About Us

Cost-effective employee training

Give your employees the knowledge they need to excel at their jobs.
A man with a smartphone in front of the Coach Microlearning logo.

Save money and resources with effective training and maximize the potential of your employees!

A tooltip showcasing the Coach Microlearning insights feature.
Drive discovery with valuable insights
You used to have ideas about the efficiency of your training. Now you have proof. With data-driven insights, Coach shows whether your expectations match reality.
A tooltip showcasing the Coach Microlearning insights feature.
Save time and money by getting employees ready
It took some time and money to find the best hire, right? Coach helps you prepare the new employees for real tasks 5x faster and get the best ROI from that hiring - without removing them from the field to do their trainings.
A tooltip showcasing the Coach Microlearning insights feature.
Hire better professionals in the field
Knowledgeable employees = happy & motivated employees. And the word of mouth spreads fast - almost as fast as creating a training in Coach.
A tooltip showcasing the Coach Microlearning insights feature.
Get the most out of each employees’ potential
People forget 70% of it in just after 2 weeks - no matter how good the training is. Coach is built with this fact in mind and works with each employee until the information is placed in the long-term memory.
Together, let’s ensure your company is full of capable and happy employees who thrive at their jobs.
A smartphone screen with the Coach Microlearning insights feature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Investing in employee training directly correlates with productivity and performance. Coach's efficient training mechanism ensures that your employees are equipped with the knowledge they need to excel, ultimately driving increased profitability and reduced operational errors.